Editorial program

forskning.no's editorial program

Denne artikkelen er over ti år gammel og kan inneholde utdatert informasjon.

1. forskning.no aims to be a source of excellent, critical journalism that presents fresh, topical, vital and compelling finds in Norwegian and international scientific research. forskning.no operates in accordance with the Norwegian editorial guidelines – Redaktørplakaten − and other established journalistic principles.

2. forskning.no aims to be an inspirational and stimulating purveyor of research that provides new insights and understanding, functioning as a resource bank for its users.

3. forskning.no presents scientific knowledge relevant to topical discussions and issues circulating in the media and society in general.

4. forskning.no aims to give wide coverage of special fields and scientific disciplines.

5. forskning.no aims to make use of a broad array of writing styles and forms of presentation.

6. forskning.no utilises the opportunities open to web media including the use of our own multimedia presentations.

7. forskning.no is a perceptive and discerning online newspaper and over 50 per cent of its articles are based on more than one source. forskning.no shall strive to achieve gender balance in its use of sources and to procure established, new and alternative sources.

8. forskning.no will focus on reader feedback and dialogues and provide the readership with a forum for posting comments and opinions.

9. forskning.no will contribute to the public discourse regarding research policies and scientific issues through editorials and commentaries and its debate forum for research related issues.

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